Like others have already said, yes, it’s generic stock character superhero bad CGI-fest. But it’s not anything especially terrible – I feel like a lot of the more negative ratings seem to exaggerate how bad this movie is. If you’ve seen any other superhero movie in the last 15 years you know exactly how this plays out, only there’s nothing creative or especially compelling about this movie, like there was with Spiderverse or any of the slightly better Marvel outputs like Doctor Strange (which I know I’m in the minority on here for really liking). Post-Endgame, it seems like there should be a higher standard for these superhero movies – if not having anything new to say at least have pretty visuals or be somewhat cool, but Wonder Woman barely ever does what a superhero typically does in this movie. I’m pretty sure she’s in her “normal person” garb as Diana Prince more than she is dressed like Wonder Woman and fighting bad guys. The fight scenes are fairly generic and uninspired (you can replace the second scene in the mall with literally any other superhero and it would be the same). Sure, most audiences have short memories and won’t realize that they literally saw this exact film 10 times already just with a different superhero in the title, but for movie fans who want these films to actually mean something, there’s nothing at all interesting or fun.
Superhero movies are done, finished, over, no more. You’re not allowed to make any more.
Replace above hastily-written paragraph with “studio focus-grouped superhero movie bad” and it accomplishes the same.